Back to SOOIE 2010
Scoring Information
This year the scoring system for Sooiepalooza will change a little. First of all - there will be NO WRITTEN TEST! In years past, the written test always started the Saturday festivities, but this year, that has changed.
This year the Comp system will also change. At 8:30 AM on Saturday morning, everyone will be registered. At that time we will hand out packets with 5 army lists in each packet. None of the army lists will have a player's name on it, but it will be coded, so our staff can score the results. You will be given 45 minutes to grade all 5 armies on a 0-5 scale, with 5 being the high score. This takes the table work out of the tournament, allowing more time for the games, making final scoring easier, and giving the players more say in what happens. That is why it is imperative that all army lists be submitted by January 15, 2010. If your list is not in the director's hands by that date, you will receive 0 in comp, and you will not be give any armies to grade.
Sportsmanship will be graded at the table, after each game, on a 0-4 scale. 4 being the best, while 0 is the lowest. The officials at the tournament will add 1 point to each player's score if the game was finished in the allotted time, not having to wait on score sheets at the table.
Battle points will be the same as always - 15 for a win, 10 for a draw, and 5 for a loss, with the ability to gain or lose an extra 2 points with the playing cards, as we have done in the past.
Paint scores will be judged by the tournament officials. The score sheet used is posted here. Player judged painting will determine the best painted army, as well as give bonus points to players for overall score.
There will be winners in every category, and prizes awarded to the winners.