Sooie '03
Sooie '04
Sooie 2005
SOOIE 2006
SOOIE  2007
SOOIE 2008
SOOIE 2009
SOOIE 2010



SooiePalooza is held every February in NorthWest Arkansas. It is a Warhammer Fantasy Tournament, with some of the greatest players from all over the world.


Sooiepalooza is always exciting, fast paced, and loads of fun. Some of the best Warhammer players in the world have played in this tournament, and more will as the years pass. Here are some of the notables.

  Cody Johnson has won the event twice. He first won the initial Soooiepalooza in 2003 with a fabulous High Elf army that had everyone marveling at not only the incredible paint scheme, but his generalship, as well.. He then became the first repeat winner by taking the title in 2006 with a totally different army, a Vampire army. It was superb, as was his play.

 Mark Burr won the second Sooiepalooza event in 2004. He took his Bretonnians to victory, though the final score was tied with Eric McSweeney. The Tiebreaker method used at that time was Sportsmanship scores, and Mark had a slight edge and took the prize.

 Jason Johnson first won Sooiepalooza in 2005 with his Skaven army. He placed second in 2006, beaten by his brother on the final table. He came back with a vengeance in 2007, becoming the second repeat winner, again with the Skaven.

Sooiepalooza would be nothing without the hard work of the staff involved. From Back left Brian Bradford, Ash Ross, Jim Cook. Front left Dustin Hall and Dennis Collier

 2008 Saw the first winner of Sooiepalooza that was not from Arkansas. Aaron Chapman brought a Vampire Counts army that plodded its hooved feet along to victory after victory, and the 2008 championship.


2009 Jordan Braun won with a MIGHTY Demon Army.  It was the second winner in a row from Texas.  Jordan won all 5 of his games rather convincingly, and began the International "I Hate The Demons" Fan club!